The Foley Mood Meddler is a virtual reality helmet designed by Tucker Foley.
In "Torrent of Terror," Tucker first puts his device on Danny in an attempt to stabilize his mood. However, the device still has glitches and only makes Danny angrier. The helmet is used later in the episode, as a way to get Danny to quickly change his mood and weaken Vortex with his temporary weather-controlling abilities.
It looks like one of Tucker's red berets, but it is clearly made of metal. There is a mood display dial on the right side of the helmet. This dial switches from happy, to angry, to sad, depending on the wearer's mood. At the temples, there are two protrusions, possibly to allow remote access to the device. At the front of the beret, there is a visor, which goes over the wearer's eyes, and displays the scene that will elicit a specified mood.
Season 3
- 304. "Torrent of Terror"