Danny Phantom Wiki

This is because the cold is contained within you and ever since you acquired your ghost abilities you've only been letting it out in small amounts.

Frostbite to Danny about his Ghost Sense that was part of his Ice powers.

Ghost Sense is the ability to detect/sense nearby ghosts and half-ghosts. It is a sub-power of Cryokinesis.


The user can sense nearby ghosts. This ability is activated involuntarily, and half-ghosts with this power can use it even while in human form. Occasionally, it activates with the presence of each new ghost.[1] When the ghost is near the user breathes out a cold blue mist from their mouth, and inexperienced users sometimes shiver as well. The only ghost known to have a different color (red) and come out differently (nose) as their ghost sense is Dark Danny, though the reason for this is unknown. The ability only works on the human plane and is inactive when the user is in the Ghost Zone.

It is a sub-power of cryokinesis. The temperature of the mist is a result of the ghost's cryokinetic abilities being released involuntarily. The user maintains the ability even if they master control of their cryokinetic abilities.


  • Artifacts, such as Dora's ring may block this ability.
  • Adversaries can disguise their presence by keeping the environment cold, such as Penelope Spectra setting the thermostat in her office to a lower temperature to the point where everyone would see their breath.
  • It sometimes doesn't activate in the presence of ghosts.[2]
  • It sometimes doesn't activate in the presence of humans being overshadowed.[1][3]
  • Sometimes doesn't activate in the presence of half-ghosts, as seen during Danny's interactions with Dani Phantom[4] or Vlad Plasmius[5], as his ghost sense didn't go off when they were in ghost mode.
    • The only known exception to this rule is Dark Danny's ability to sense Danny Phantom in ghost mode. However, Danny was able to sense his other clones and Tucker Phantom who was in both human and ghost form for unknown reasons.

Known Users[]

Natural Ability[]

Through Technology[]


  • Ghost Sense is a reference to the Marvel superhero Spider-Man's "Spider-Sense," which allows him to sense approaching danger before it happens.
  • It is unknown why Dark Danny's ghost sense is red, rather than blue; or why it came from his nostrils. There are a few speculations for this change:
    • It could possibly be due to his evil/opposite nature.
    • It could be because a heat core replaced Danny's ice core, giving it a red color.
    • It could be because Dark Danny is full of Danny's negative emotions.
    • It implied Vlad had this power but was never seen in the series.


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V - E - H - DGhost powers
Physiological abilities
Accelerated healing | Immortality | Paranormal Immunity | Supernatural agility | Supernatural durability | Supernatural endurance | Supernatural reflexes | Supernatural speed | Supernatural stamina | Supernatural strength
Common powers
Flight | Ghost Ray | Intangibility | Invisibility | Overshadowing | Spectral Body Manipulation | Telekinesis | Teleportation
Uncommon powers
Cryokinesis | Duplication | Ghost Shields | Ghost Stinger | Pyrokinesis | Size Alteration | Transformation
Rare powers
Banishing | Clairvoyance | Conjuration | Electrokinesis | Ecto-Energy Constructions | Energy Absorption | Energy Strike | Exorcism | Ghost Portal Creation | Ghost Sense | Going Ghost | Mind Control | Pathokinesis | Power Augmentation | Reality Warping | Reconstitution | Shapeshifting| Sleep Inducement | Supernatural breath | Time travel
Unique powers
Aerokinesis | Age shifting | Atmokinesis | Bad Luck Inducement | Banishing kiss | Chronokinesis | Dream Invasion | Dream Manipulation | Ecto-Vision | Food Manipulation | Fusion | Ghostly Wail | Object Attachment | Petrification | Photokinesis | Plant Manipulation | Power Absorption | Power Granting | Sealing | Technopathy | Thermokinesis | Transmogrification | Voice Projection | The Void