"Phantom Planet" is the final episode of season 3 and the series finale of the television series, Danny Phantom. It premiered on Nickelodeon on August 24, 2007 as a one-hour episode consisting of two parts (the 52nd and 53rd episodes, respectively). It is the fourth and final "Danny Phantom" TV movie.
Danny defeats Vlad in an outer space battle, prompting Plasmius to exact revenge, which he does by creating Masters' Blasters, a team of hip ghost fighters whose amazing prowess renders Danny Phantom unnecessary.
Deep in space near Saturn's rings, one of Vlad's satellite probes examines a nearby asteroid, which is composed of "Ecto-ranium", an element ghosts cannot touch. A portal to the Ghost Zone opens and Vlad emerges from it with the Infi-map. Danny and his friends emerge from the portal soon after, and a battle ensues. Danny takes back the Infi-map and Vlad's satellite is destroyed in the battle due to Vlad blasting the satellite's fuel source.
Back in Amity Park, Vlad hatches a plan to eliminate Danny once and for all. He announces that he has created his own team of teenage ghost hunters, called "Masters' Blasters". Masters' Blasters; prove to be much more effective than Danny at catching ghosts, to the point where Danny can no longer stand them.
Danny and his friends meet in the basement of Fenton Works, where Jack and Maddie have dismantled the Fenton ghost portal to upgrade its systems (partially to increase their music download speed). Danny and his friends discuss Masters' Blasters, and Danny thinks that if they are much better ghost hunters than he is, the world no longer needs him. Danny speculates that if the ghost portal gave him his ghost powers, it could probably take them away as well.
After Masters' Blasters arrest Jack and Maddie due to speculations of Fenton Works harboring a ghost fugitive (Danny Phantom), Danny makes up his mind. Despite his friends' protests, Danny activates the partially-dismantled portal, which seemingly erases his ghost powers in the process, returning him to full-human and leaving a white streak in his hair as the only trace of his previous status as a half-ghost. The portal is destroyed in the process, leaving a permanent reminder that there is no going back for him. This also prevents Masters' Blasters from detecting Danny as a ghost enabling Danny and Jazz to bail out their parents.
While he is happy to finally have a normal life again, his friends are disappointed by his rash decision of getting rid of his powers. Masters' Blasters, seeing that Danny Phantom no longer shows up to fight ghosts, start charging hefty fees for their ghost-hunting services.
Things get worse when scientists discover an enormous asteroid on a collision course with Earth, which they term the 'Disasteroid'. After exhausting all possible ways of destroying the Disasteroid, the final plan is a pair of rockets that will drill into the asteroid and destroy it from the inside. Leading the mission is Jack and the Masters' Blasters.
The missiles fire and destroy the asteroid, but they destroyed a different one. Jack is blamed for the failure, but he knows that Vlad punched in the targeting data, and becomes suspicious of Vlad. Danny quickly learns that Vlad purposefully sent Jack the wrong coordinates in a selfish effort to further humiliate him. When scientists discover that the asteroid came from the Cronian System near Saturn, Danny realizes that the whole thing is Vlad's fault, as the satellite's explosion sent the asteroid out of orbit and caused it to go towards Earth.
At a press conference, Vlad announces that he has a plan to save Earth, and with everyone in the world watching, Vlad transforms and reveals that he is Vlad Plasmius. He announces that he is the only person who can save the world, and that he would do it by turning the Disasteroid intangible, causing it to fly right through the Earth, but only if the world's leaders agree to make him ruler of the world and give him 500 billion dollars.
After his demands are met, Vlad and Jack fly to the Disasteroid. During the trip, Vlad angrily reveals to Jack that it was Jack's fault that he became half-ghost back in college when Jack's first ghost portal malfunctioned and blasted Vlad, infusing him with ghost D.N.A. Jack insists that he never meant to harm Vlad as the portal malfunction was an accident but Vlad refuses to hear it. Vlad further taunts Jack by stating once he saves the world, he will steal Maddie from Jack and make her his queen.
Vlad flies out of the ship to make the asteroid intangible, but is met with a painful shock, as the Disasteroid is composed entirely of Ecto-ranium and is extremely harmful to ghosts. Vlad begs Jack to help him, but Jack, finally realizing that who he thought was his lifelong friend was an evil person, refuses, abandoning Vlad in space.
On Earth, Danny and his friends come up with a plan to turn the entire planet intangible instead of the Disasteroid. They realize that they will need hundreds of ghosts to help, and use the Infi-map to find a natural portal to the Ghost Zone. Danny's enemies in the Ghost Zone are all too happy to see him without his ghost powers, however, and take great pleasure in blasting him at the same time, finally getting revenge on him for defeating them all those times in the past.
However, the collective attack manages to re-introduce the remnant of Danny's ghost half (the white streak still in his hair) to ectoplasm, recharging it and re-fusing the rest of his DNA with ectoplasm, restoring his powers. Danny goes ghost once again and defeats all his enemies at once using his Ghostly Wail, which inexplicably does not force him to return to human form after using it. He then decides to return to the human world with a new plan.
At Amity Park Town Hall, Danny, as Phantom, announces his plan to the world: they will wrap the Earth in metal tubes connecting to a central hub, and Danny will capture hundreds of ghosts from the Ghost Zone and use their energy to turn the entire Earth intangible.
At first, Danny is met with silence, but Jack and Maddie get applause going, and soon people all over the world cheer for him. With the help of everyone from all over Earth, Danny's friends complete their parts of the plan, and they all meet in Antarctica for the final stage of the plan. Jazz also has the old Tuckbot-9000 remodeled in Danny's likeness to prevent suspicion from their parents. Before Danny leaves on his mission, Sam returns the "Wes" class ring to him and asks him to promise to come back, before they embrace each other and have their first real kiss together. He then flies into the Ghost Zone to seek other ghosts for his plan.
Danny is close to catching all the ghosts needed when all his old enemies, led by Skulker, appear and attack Danny as well as freeing all the ghosts Danny captured. Before they finish him, Danny convinces them to listen to his plan. Back in Antarctica, Danny's ship appears from a ghost portal and crashes into a mountain. With Danny apparently gone and no power for the transfer device, everyone feels hopeless as the Disasteroid begins to enter Earth's atmosphere.
As everyone fears the worst, Jack and Maddie discover the decoy. This leads to Jazz telling her parents where and who Danny really is. Just then Danny flies out of the Ghost Zone followed by all his ghost allies and enemies, who charge the hub and turn the Earth intangible. They are just barely able to hold it long enough for the Disasteroid to fly through.
The crisis averted, the ghosts return to the Ghost Zone and Danny Phantom returns to his friends. Jack and Maddie ask Danny if there's something he wants to tell them. Jazz reveals that she told Jack and Maddie Danny's secret. Realizing that; he no longer has to hide anything, Danny Phantom transforms back into Danny Fenton, revealing his secret to the whole world. The world celebrates and hails Danny Phantom as a hero, building statues of Danny in Amity Park and in the capital of every country of the world. Tucker inexplicably becomes the new mayor of Amity Park while Jack and Maddie ponder over how Danny kept his double life hidden from them for so long. Meanwhile, in outer space, Vlad accepts his destiny of isolation and loneliness as a "space nomad", but not before he gets crushed; by the Disasteroid.
In the last scene, Danny decides to miss his own ceremony to be alone with Sam, where they finally talk about their feelings for each other. Danny gives her back the "Wes" ring, telling her that he didn't care what was coming next, and hoped that she would be there to share it with him, no matter what. They share one more kiss before Danny transforms and takes Sam for a romantic flight as the TV series comes to a close.
Series continuity[]
- In the episode "Bitter Reunions", Danny foreshadowed Vlad's ultimate fate of being miserable and alone for the rest of his life.
- Also in "Infinite Realms" in which Vlad's was banished from every realm he tries to take over, similar to how in this episode he was exiled from the Earth after attempting to gain global power.
- Danny gives Sam the "Wes" class ring that Jack gave him to give to her in "Flirting With Disaster."
- The episode starts out with Vlad holding the Infi-map, which is first seen in "Infinite Realms."
- In "Livin' Large", it is established that the Ghost Zone and the Earthly plane are linked; if one is destroyed so is the other.
- Allusions: See List of allusions
- Goofs: See List of goofs
- A running gag throughout the episode is Danny losing his jumpsuit after Masters' Blasters captured a ghost.
- This is the only episode with no design and/or tagline on the title card; it is simply the words "PHANTOM PLANET" with an outer space background.
- This episode's title card is the only one on which Danny (or any character) does not appear.
- This is the only episode without a cold opening scene.
- This episode has unknown reasons for not being shown in Russia.[citation needed]
- This is also the first and only time Jazz has ever entered the Ghost Zone with Team Phantom.